Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Once again, me

Rubber bands rule! They rule the world! Woo! I love them! I am chewing on one right now. I have a camera on my desk. You can take pictures with it. (DUH!!) Any way I think taking pictures with my camera is SO fun! It's awesome! It's like, CLICK! And there is a cool picture right on the screen to last a lifetime.
Does any one know what this blog is for? Well if you don't, I will tell you right now:
this blog is to tell about the life of an average (Well, not average. I'm gonna be president) girl. The ups and downs, and the taking pictures with cameras!

Friday, January 9, 2009

OK so...

OK so....nothing really exciting happening. But I can give you a cool website.

GO There!!

"The only thing to fear is fear itself"


Sorry I haven't blogged since Halloween. It is now past Christmas, past New Years, and is now 2009! Woo!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

My candy from Halloween

My candy from Halloween weighed 9 pounds! Woo! I got 9 pounds o' yummy candy and sugar! Hope you like my picture for Halloween!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Been there..

I went to the pumpkin patch, and the n we went to the busted nut. My cousin Kally works there. I'm bored:(

Pumpkin Patch!

Today I'm going to a pumpkin patch with my gramma and papa. It will be fun 'cause I'm bringing my camera.
I'll take lot's of pics to put up here!! C ya, bye

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Sorry I forgot to give the last one a title! Any way this kinda like the leader of the village that Shikamaru lives in. Guess what? SHIKAMARU QUIT THE CHUNINE EXAMS!! OMG!! He was so close to winning but then he gave up:(! OMG!