Thursday, October 16, 2008


Hi! I don't what to call this blog because it's going to be about a bizzilion things.
But look at this cute picture!!! But the chihuahua looks a little skinny. FEED YOUR CHIHUAHUAS!!
Remember the angel I said I would put a picture of on this website?? Well, I will put a picture on here, as soon as my camera gets a battery or two! OK Keep checking on this site if you want to see the angel!
Hey, I have a thing where people donate to me and with the money that they donate to me, I donate to something like animals or hospitals. Sometimes I put some of my own money in though to. Hey do you want to be a sponsor?? You can! By e-mailing me at!! You just have to say:
Hospitals, animals, they are both important. Make me a sponsor!!
If you don't say exactly that I won't let you be a sponsor! (Sorry :) Blog you in a while!